3R Blog

Meet Head of Risk & Compliance - Debbie Stock

Written by Kajal Kishor | Mar 28, 2024 8:00:00 AM

We are proud to offer exceptional and bespoke customer support for our diverse range of clients, so we want to introduce you to the amazing people who make up our team at 3R. Meet Debbie Stock, our head of risk and compliance who works hard to minimise disruption for our clients and 3R.

Debbie Stock: Head of Risk and Compliance
Email: debbie.stock@3r.co.uk

What is your job at 3R?

I am the Head of Risk and Compliance at 3R and my primary role involves identifying potential risks, analyzing their impact, and forecasting possible scenarios to minimise risks for both our clients and 3R. This includes overseeing the various operations throughout 3R such as credit control, bad debt protection, credit checks, creating and maintaining legal documentation, underwriting services and much more. I also work to ensure our internal compliance by managing our HR documentation and practices.

Ultimately, I strive to reduce potential risks and minimize disruptions for our clients and us.

How did you get into Recruitment?

I started my journey in recruitment at 19 with a local agency working in a 360-consultancy role managing master vendor accounts for clients such as HSBC Bank, P&O Cruises, B&Q, etc., and overseeing 100 contractors in the commercial sector. 

Almost 30 years on from then, major milestones since have been: leading a team of 15 at Norwich Union (a previous client of mine), managing internal HR at IBM, to working in STEM recruitment at MatchTech and supporting the development of internal technology. Throughout my career, the roles I took on were supported by skills and knowledge I gained from the previous roles, which made it an interconnected journey.

Thanks to the connections I made at MatchTech, particularly through Kim De'ath, I was introduced to 3R. It's been an incredible journey of growth and success over the past 8 years.

What do you enjoy most about the Recruitment industry?

How varied it is - the variety of the people, the jobs, the clients, the contractors, everything! 

No two days are the same in Recruitment. Every day brings new challenges and I thrive in the fast-paced environment of recruitment because I work well under pressure. It leaves no time for clock-watching! 

What's the most inspiring part of your job?

Happy customers - knowing that I've given them the best service and what I've done for them has had a positive impact on them. 

What gets you out of bed every day?

What motivates me to start my day is my children, they are my priority. And I'm quite a productive person who's driven by routine, so I like to get the most out of each day.

You are planning a holiday, unlimited budget, what are you going to do?

My dream trip would be a year out to RV across USA and Canada with no agenda, just stopping by anywhere I like and exploring with no time restrictions. 

What do you get up to at the weekends?

I spend my time having adventures with my kids and I really enjoy hosting and entertaining, so I love having my friends over and being able to cook for them.

If you were arranging a party, what would it include?

I like themed parties like the Queen's Jubilee party, but cocktails and food are the central point.